When it comes to applying glittery pressed pigments or super metallic eyeshadow, using the right tools will help you get the best color payoff while minimizing fallout.
After years of experience, here are the brushes that I have found to work the best for me:
1. Silicone Tip applicator from the LORMAY 9-Piece Silicone Makeup Brush Set ($7.99) - available on amazon.com
This is the newest brush type in this list. When I first bought the set, I was more interested in the face spatulas for applying moisturizers & primers. However, I quickly learned the smaller eyeshadow brush in the set is amazing for packing pigments onto the lid. The best part, aside from the low price point, it is super easy to clean.
2. Crown Brush Precision Kabuki (discontinued)
3. Sedona Lace Synthetic small round flat #847 ($13.56)
The middle pair (pictured above) are very similar. The top brush is from Crown Brush Set that had sadly been discontinued. The brush just beneath it is from Sedona Lace. Both have been staples in my professional kit for years. They mimic your fingertip making them ideal for the pressing motion needed to get full color payoff from metallics.
4. Real Techniques deluxe crease brush is half of the Eye Shade + Blend Duo Pack ($8.99) and is great for both powders and creams allowing you to buff on your eye primer, and immediately after pat on your pigment without switching brushes.
5. Real Techniques bold metals collection #200 Oval Shadow Brush ($13) has soft luxe bristles and is a great size to apply eyeshadow to the lid in one go.
The two brushes on the right (above) are both from Real Techniques. The first, is a great choice for professional makeup artists as it had a nice long handle. I consider this one to be a must-have. The second, known as their deluxe crease brush is intended for blending eyeshadow, or under eye concealer. However, I have found that using a patting motion to pack pigment onto the eyelids has the same feel as the first two brushes that I mentioned, but at a very budget friendly price point.
6. Furless PE2 - Purple Fluffy Eyeshadow Brush is perfect for packing on pigment ($11.99)
In the third picture above, it is the second brush displayed in the first pair of brushes.
7. Everyday Minerals Everyday Eye Shadow Brush ($10) - has a nice flat oval head
It is a traditional shaped eyeshadow brush. My pick for this style is this one from Everyday Minerals (pictured above left). The flat brush head works well for the packing motion used when pressing on metallic pigments. Plus this brush type is one that most have in their brush collection.
In a pinch? Use a sponge tip applicator, or your finger. When I was a teenager, and first learning proper makeup application, my instructor told the class to throw away the sponge tip applicators that come in most drugstore eyeshadow duos or quads. While I appreciate the sentiment, these little tools actually do serve a purpose. I find them truly useful for pressing on the perfect amount of eye color to the lid.
Many people prefer using his or her fingertip for the job, but I just can't bring myself to do so. I find it unsanitary, and a bad habit to get into. However if it works for you, go for it. Just make sure your hands are squeaky clean first.
Don't run out and buy a sponge tip applicator. If you must buy something for applying pigments on a budget, the silicone tip applicator wins my vote.
What is your favorite tool for the job? Are there any tools that I missed in my list above?
Let me know in the comments below.
*All products in this post were purchased by me. I do not get paid to write reviews or accept money from any brands. All opinions are my own.
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